After an extremely successful opening night and opening weekend, Vault and Deow decided to leave the exhibition open to the public for a further two weekends. Congratulations to the many purchasers who have secured their Deow art work already. Check out the images to see what art is still available to purchase.
Deow works consist mostly of aerosol, and his art portrays figurative characters and portraits merged with the fundamental elements of graffiti style art.
Deow was one of New Zealand’s more active graffiti artists over the last few years, living between Huntington Beach California and Southland, New Zealand. He has spent considerable time painting with some of the world’s best graffiti writers in LA, refining his art style, and leaving his mark on many cities and surrounding landscapes. Most recently he has been working in Dunedin carrying out two large commissions in the North East Valley.
Deow has carried out galleries with solo exhibitions in 2014, 2013, 2009 and 2008. Vault Pop Up Art Gallery is his most recent showcase, which he describes as ‘Kiwi roots refined from a graffiti baseline”. The works consist of the many New Zealand native birds seen on a daily basis in Southland and surroundings. His art work shown at Vault Pop Up Gallery is for sale, and those interested are invited to discuss with us throughout the weekend or email Enable JavaScript to view protected content..